Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

Batu Angkek-Angkek , Seer from Sungayang

Batu Angkek-Angkek in Sungayang

In Nagari Tanjung, District Sungayang have a stone sacred by the people around, the stone is held can predict a person's luck.
Stone is familiar with Stone Angkek-Angkek of the turtle-like, black and yellow copper on edge, have any posts lafazd God and Muhammad in the surface.
Name this stone Stone Angkek-Angkek in because by people who want to have to predict the fate of stone, so often was because (the language minangnya angkek) the appropriate local language Minang, the stone is given the name Stone Angkek-Angkek.Name Batu Angkek - Angkek is now more popular name from the rock when found, namely Pandapatan.
How to predict the fate of the rock is a way to try him, if the stone was picked up by someone means that the goal or desire someone that will be achieved future.But if not ideal means or the desire that someone will be or will not be obstacles reached.
Perhaps this will cause people to doubt a thin, and confidence can be the base for the lifting of this kind strong.subjec be debated by the people because it is not about a few people who can lean and not lifting a little too strong a strong person that can not be him.
To lift this stone should not be haphazard, there is a procedure that must be obeyed you must set up some form of betel pinang requirements, incense and a little white money.After be requirements .Owner stone that will bring a stone from the place and put it over in the tray for limaui (wash with orange juice) according to the traditions of indigenous minangkabau.While process is in progress malimaui also burned incense and white smoke surrounded to stone three times.
Before you lift a stone, you will enter a room / room in which there lamin (a special kind of place where a colored cloth colorfull places such as the traditional Minangkabau sit on) where the rock placed.If you enter this room you have to say Assalamu ' alaikum.ww and you should be in a state of purity (in berwudhuk the Islamic religion) after you are seated before bersimpuh (sit) on the stone .Before lift stone you must read Asma Allah and the Prophet Muhammad, Peace, and say the intent / desire in your hearts He appealed to the SWT.After the new stone is lifted.
According guard, who is also a descendant of Datuak Bandaro Kayo nine.To the first stone found by Datuak bandaro Kayo, penghulu Piliang.Batu tribe will be found at stake stake (pole) home.
I wonder Datuak Bandaro Kayo dreamed were by Syek Ahmad, Syek Ahmad dreams in order to be Datuak bandaro Kayo establish a village,at this time known as the Village Palagan.
Based on these dreams start Datuak bandaro Kayo opening the land to build a village (manaruko, the term Minang). When the start to pitch pole (pole) happens a rarity, and the quake occurred followed by rain during the summer fourteen hari.With events will occur discuss Datuak Bandro Kayo pursuivant.sharer with the deliberation that took place when a voice from sound holes in the pole erection, the sound is said that the holes are a stone, in order to leave a voice that kept the stone-baik.By Datuak Bandaro Kayo Stone was taken, because the stone was obtained, by Datuak Bandaro Kayo name Stone
Pandapatan.Dan profit is continually kept good by Datuak Bandaro Kayo-up to the descendants of his descendants.
But somehow when the Stones have a miracle to be able to predict the fate of someone not know and who also knows that the name change from stone Stone Stone Pandapatan become Angkek-Angkek also vague.
If you are interested in trying to predict the fate came home to the descendants of large Datuak Bandaro Kayo in Nagari Tanjuang, District Sungayang, Tanah Datar, the distance of approximately eleven kilometers from Batusangkar.

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